If you think you have arrived, think again. You have never arrived -- and if you think you have, you may want to think again. So I get back from Bali, the trip of a lifetime, my cup filled with self love and clarity. I think I know who I am. Happiness at my core, true happiness I have yet to have experienced. Then I break my leg -- the universe testing me, wanting me to know there is more to do. How strong is that foundation you stand on?
Let's see. Take away the rituals that energize me -- the time on my rock every sunrise connecting to the universe; the time on my mat, alone with myself; the time walking with my love on the beach, holding his hand silently sharing what we both know to be true; the beach runs at sunset with the sun sparkling around me. The independence, the freedom to go at my own pace.
Love and light -- is within you, around you, it is YOU.